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A long standing wish, this year I finally decide to visit the Consumer Electronics Show, in Las Vegas, on Friday January 7.  It was pretty interesting. But no wow gadgets to speak of.  Here are some pics from the show.

Just as with the ipod, there is a whole cottage industry surrounding the iPad and the iPhone.

An iPad based cash register

Selection of cases for the iPhone

Extremely small factor modular computer.

This sells for about $850. The innovation here is that the motherboard is now in multiple pieces instead of a single board. So you can selectively upgrade portions of the motherboard. Target is enterprise deployment.

Samsung had a massive presence!

Attractive ladies draw traffic to the booth

Solar cell based back packs


Some other notables. A wireless USB media stick that can deliver your media files to any display. Retails for $119 at best buy. see hsti.com. I believe Canon (maybe Sony) has come out with a 3D camcorder. There was a proliferation of tablets and literally hundreds of new models of cell phones. Nokia’s qt (they pronounce it “cute”) booth was interesting. Nice UI on mutliple platforms.

Clearly, wireless is a red-hot space. Qualcomm (Snapdragon) and Intel (Atom) were out there in full force peddling their latest offerings. ARM is the runaway leader here so these two companies are really jockeying for position.

Some stats : there were 2500 exhibitors (to cover them all I would have had to visit approximately 300/hr in the 8 hrs I was there!). Expected number of attendees was around 120000.

Written by asterix98

January 11, 2011 at 6:48 am